Having a strata online presence goes a long way these days to put your best foot forward, and to attract the best buyers into your strata community. A strata web page is another element to protecting your investment. With a website you can reach potential buyers directly with sales postings. Plus you can present your strata in the best light possible. In addition to powerful online tools to use internally, StrataCommons Organizer also provides you with a public website that you can customize to your needs.
Your strata brochure website will look stunning with photos, text, and contact info that you can customize. It will work well on large screens as well as mobile devices.
The StrataCommons Organizer web page builder is super easy to use, and you get your strata brochure website in no time. You get a beautiful web page design and can add your own photos. No need to know HTML in order to add some custom text as well. StrataCommons will host your website and make sure that it can be found in search engines, too.
Sign up for a free trial account. It only takes a minute, and you get instant access to all features. We will check in with you after a month to see how your trial is going.